What exactly is Women Empowerment?
Being empowered as a woman is one of the most important things that can happen in our society at the moment. We are the carriers of the culture and predominantly the primary care givers. How and what we teach our young girls and boys, is reflected in the society we currently exist in.
When we continue to dumb ourselves down, deflect our successes, and when we constantly apologize for being who we are. . .we are teaching others that we are not good enough. When we as women lower our vibration, we are energetically transmitting our fears and insecurities to others. We are telling the world that we do not believe in what we have to offer and so why should anyone else?
I personally have had to fall and fall and fall and fall and fall (I’m sure you get the picture by how many times I wrote that) time and time again in order to not only rise, but to be able to stand grounded! The humble beginnings of taking my power back! I could not have done so if I did not take 100% responsibility for my life and without having a tribe of empowering women in my corner.
How can Empowered Women Empower Women?
Knowing your worth and value is vital if you want to have success and happiness in your life. For you to feel fully alive, you must have a strong sense of self-worth and exude confidence. It is not easy all the time; but it is so important and absolutely necessary. We all have the ability to develop confidence and to also have an optimistic view of self. It all starts with overstanding yourself as a person, accepting yourself unconditionally, practicing self-love, recognizing that you no longer need to please other people and taking full responsibility for your life.
I’ve always loved this quote, “Instruction is good for a child; but example is worth more.” As you become more present in your own life, you will begin to enlighten others by your example. This is one of the most important ways you can empower women. Young women are influenced by their role models, so it’s important to be a dynamic one. Admire strong women, celebrate different types of beauty, empower women with humility and kindness, and encourage women to turn their dreams in to a reality.
If you raised your eyebrow after reading that, I don’t blame you. It’s not always easy to be vulnerable. Personally, it took me some time to share my most intimate and what I felt were embarrassing experiences at certain times in my life with others. As I became more comfortable doing so, I realized my truths were not only helping others navigate through their experiences, but by me being open and honest I was also helping myself heal. At times, it can be hard to share your experiences with others, but it can play an important role in giving other women a voice. Without women like Yaa Asantewaa, Harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks, Michelle Obama, Serena Williams, and Malala Yousafzai; just to name a few. . .we women wouldn’t have some of the rights we have today. Thanks to these women for fighting for, speaking out, and sharing their struggles; real changes have been made in areas such as legislation, societal expectations and even how women and young girls view themselves in the mirror on a daily basis. While it’s important to share your own story, it’s just as important to listen to other women’s stories and experiences.
Stay away from anything and anyone negative. . .PERIOD! Women are constantly exposed to negativity as we’re often held to unrealistic standards of beauty displayed in magazines, on TV, and of course, on social media. Media has created a culture where women and men can freely express themselves. Social media has also opened the floor for others to slander one another and circulate negative comments about women’s appearances and or what they should be doing with their bodies. . .their lives. Negativity online has become a huge problem, especially among our younger generation. It’s important to lift women up by taking a stance against negativity; whether online, at the office, in school. . . it’s vital to combat negativity by continuing to promote truth and authenticity. Don’t be afraid to shut negativity down; no matter who it is coming from. Respectively, be as direct and honest as you can. The tribe of women you are supposed to have in your space will appreciate your honesty and YOU.
You owe it to yourself on a weekly basis. My Self-Care Day is every Sunday. Depending on what my schedule consists of on that Sunday will determine my routine. If I’m home, I make sure I give myself a facial, take a herbal bath, wash and deep condition my hair and review both my personal & business schedule for the weeks ahead. If I’m out of town on business or traveling, I always make sure I set time aside to listen to some TED Talks and immerse myself in as much positivity as I can. My mental health depends on it! So does yours! Self-care is important to maintain a healthy relationship with yourself as it produces positive feelings and boosts your confidence and self-esteem. Self-care is necessary to remind yourself and others that you and your needs are important too. Continue to take care of yourself so that you can help empower and take care of others.
Empowered women empower women, Right? So be sure to encourage the women around you. Make them feel special. Let them know they are strong. Encourage your friends to speak up. Make sure they know the value of their opinions so that they’re never scared to use their voice. If you have daughters, nieces. . .any young women around you. . .celebrate her self-expression; whether she loves to dress up in full princess or batman attire, or she likes to express herself by drawing, encourage her to be her authentic self. Encourage another women’s unique personality by supporting her interests wholeheartedly, whether she’s into sports, drama (the theater type of course, lol), pottery, knitting or academics.
Becoming a Troop 6000 Girl Scout leader two years ago is one of the best decisions I could have ever made for myself. I love working with young women. They bring me so much joy. There is nothing like a young lady giving me a hug and whispering, “I’m so happy you’re in my life!” Whether you find a mentorship program in your community or focus on inspiring your friends and sisters, being a mentor is a great way to inspire young women. Gather a group of girls and encourage them to participate in an empowerment activity. You can totally do it!
As a female entrepreneur who has the pleasure of getting support from other women, I cannot begin to describe what it does to my soul! I too love to support my fellow women owned and women run businesses. There is nothing like watching another woman WIN! Show your support for women in your community by investing in businesses run by your fellow sisters.
Do what you can to support organizations that are committed to empowering women. Whether you make a donation, give your time, or refer a friend to a business or organization that makes empowering women a priority, your support truly matters.
Say Heyyyyyy Beautiful! Say I Love You! Say Thank you! Give genuine compliments while allowing yourself to also receive them when given. Help out the women around you. Showing the women in your life how much you appreciate them by sending a thank you card, a positive email or text, or simply telling them what they mean to you can truly brighten another women’s day.
Empowering women ultimately starts with you. Show your support for the women in your life, show them they matter, and remind them that they are strong and capable of doing anything they put their minds to. Changing the narrative for women and seeing real change is a collaborative effort. Us women need to stick together.
If you agree, share this article with the women in your life, and encourage them to be that Empowered Woman that Empowers Women.
Styled by | Tima Samad
Photography | Jazz Journey Photography
Jewelry | Design By U Essentials